

Born: May 17, 1833, Han­ov­er, New Hamp­shire (Ju­li­an in­cor­rect­ly gives the lo­ca­tion as Han­ov­er, New Ha­ven).

Died: Au­gust 31, 1902, Brook­lyn, New York.

Buried: Green-Wood Ce­me­te­ry, Brook­lyn, New York.

Pseudonym: Farin.



Grace was the daugh­ter of Charles Brick­ett Had­dock (a min­is­ter and pro­fes­sor at Dart­mouth Col­lege) and Su­san Saun­ders Lang, and wife of law­yer Theo­dore Hins­dale (mar­ried 1850). Her ma­ter­nal grand­fa­ther was Co­lo­nel Eb­en­ezer Web­ster, the fa­ther of states­man Da­ni­el Web­ster. She was named af­ter her fat­her’s aunt, Grace Fletch­er Web­ster.

Grace con­trib­ut­ed vers­es and short sketch­es to Scrib­ner’s Ma­ga­zine (when it was known as Hours at Home), the Bos­ton Con­gre­ga­tion­al­ist, the In­de­pen­dent, the Sun­day School Times, and the Chris­tian Union.



In the Green Fields of Palestine

In the green fields of Palestine,
By its fountains and its rills,
And by the sacred Jordan’s stream,
And o’er the vine-clad hills.

Once lived and roved the fairest Child
That ever blessed the earth;
The happiest, the holiest
That e’er had human birth.

How beautiful His childhood was
Harmless and undefiled;
Oh! dear to His young mother’s heart
Was this pure, sinless child!

Kindly in all His deeds and words
And gentle as the dove;
Obedient, affectionate,
His very soul was love.

Oh! is it not a blessèd thought,
Children of human birth,
That once the Savior was a child
And lived upon the earth?

Grace Webster Hinsdale
Coming to the King, 1865

