

Born: Ju­ly 31, 1865, Rush­ville, Il­li­nois.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 13, 1919, Mi­ami, Flo­ri­da. Aft­er her death, her bo­dy was re­port­ed­ly shipped back to her birth­place, Rush­ville, Il­li­nois.


Margaret was a mem­ber of the Io­wa Ho­li­ness As­so­cia­tion. She and her hus­band, song writ­er John Har­ris, were ac­tive in ho­li­ness re­vi­vals and camp meet­ings.

They were song ev­an­gel­ists at the 1901 Ge­ne­ral Ho­li­ness Con­ven­tion in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. Mar­ga­ret played the or­gan to ac­com­pa­ny the du­ets she sang with her hus­band.

The Ep­worth Or­gan and Pi­ano Com­pa­ny pro­vid­ed an or­gan free of charge for their ev­an­gel­is­tic cam­paigns.

In ad­di­tion, Mar­ga­ret was known as an ef­fect­ive preach­er with strong mes­sages.




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