Circa 1720–1768


Born: Cir­ca 1720.

October 29, 1768, Wal­tham­stow, Es­sex, Eng­land.


The son of poor par­ents, Grigg orig­in­al­ly trained as a me­cha­nic. In 1743, he be­came as­sist­ant min­is­ter to Tho­mas Bures at the Pres­by­ter­ian Church on Sil­ver Street in Lon­don.

Upon Bures’ death in 1747, Grigg re­tired from the min­is­try and, mar­ry­ing a la­dy of pro­per­ty, took up re­si­dence at St. Albans.


Grigg re­port­ed­ly wrote ov­er 40 hymns.

A cen­tu­ry af­ter Grigg’s death, Da­ni­el Sedg­wick pub­lished his col­lect­ed hymns and po­ems as Hymns on Di­vine Sub­jects (Lon­don: 1861).

His oth­er works in­clude:



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