Early 20th Century


We spe­cu­late this is How­ard Ty­ler Goo­gins (1871–1934), bur­ied in Laur­el Hill Ce­me­te­ry, Sa­co, Maine.

Much of Goo­gins’ mu­sic ap­pears in Maine col­lect­ions, and Bur­ton Wins­low, who wrote the lyrics paired with Goo­gins’ tune Gua­da­lupe, was al­so from Maine. In ad­di­tion, the 1919 co­py­right ap­pli­ca­tion for Goo­gins’ ar­range­ment of ’Tis the Star That’s Turned to Gold was sub­mitted by Fan­nie Orne Per­kins of Booth­bay Har­bor, Maine.


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