

Born: Ju­ly 11, 1825, Birm­ing­ham, Eng­land.

Died: Sep­tem­ber 30, 1896, Lit­tle As­ton, Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.


Goddard was the daugh­ter of Sam­uel As­pin­wall God­dard and Je­mi­ma Ba­chope. Her father was orig­in­al­ly from Brook­line, Mas­sa­chu­setts. He served as the Am­eri­can con­sul in Birm­ing­ham, and lat­er be­came a na­tur­al­ized Brit­ish sub­ject.

Julia is re­mem­bered as the au­thor of ov­er 25 child­ren’s books, her first be­ing Karl and the Six Lit­tle Dwarfs, pub­lished in 1863.

She was al­so a jour­nal­ist and ani­mal wel­fare cam­paign­er.


Not Lost

The sun dropped down, the crescent moon
Went slowly sailing by,
All in the burning chrysoprase
Of the sultry summer sky,
Of the sultry summer sky,
That crowned the crimson-banded west
With blue and amber dye.

The twilight grey rose up a-near
Each shining golden horn;
And twinkled one by one the stars
Over the yellow corn;
And dimmer grew the silver flush
Of the daisies on the lawn.

Yet high above the moon and stars,
The maiden raised her eyes;
Not on this earth, but in Thine Heav­en,
O Lord, my treasure lies;
Grant me one glimpse behind the veil
That hides Thy paradise!

And greyer grew the summer night,
As sleep sweet mocked the dead;
And whiter fell the white moon rays
Upon the maiden’s bed;
And lo, an angel stooped and kissed
The tears she dreaming shed.

Her grief-stained eyelids softly touched
And the mist-veil was riven,
And past the stars her soul was borne,
Through the night-hush to Heav­en.
Among God’s shin­ing ones,’ she said,
To him a place is giv­en.

She sought through­out the glo­ri­ous streets,
Yet found of him no trace;
Among thy bless­èd ones, O Lord!
Hath my dead love no place?

And down, a-down, her fainting soul
Sank through the golden space.

Why weepest thou? God’s angels walk
The earth on errand sent.

She turned her at the voice and gazed
In joyful wonderment;
Art thou so near although unseen?
Then is my soul content.

The reddening dawn stole slowly on,
The sun rose up. The moon
Turned into silver; and the maid
Said, I have waked too soon.
Yet through the day she smiled, for still
At morn, at eve, at noon,
There walked an angel at her side
Lord! I shall see him soon.

Julia Bachope Goddard, The Golden
Journey and Other Verses
, 1875



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