Whitey Gleason


Born: May 18, 1932, King­man, Kan­sas.

Died: June 30, 2007, An­na, Tex­as.

Cremated: Ash­es prob­ab­ly giv­en to fa­mi­ly mem­ber or friend.


Whitey was the son of Cli­fford Cor­nea­lis Glea­son and Al­ta June Glea­son.

An or­dained min­is­ter, he served as a pa­stor and ev­an­gel­ist for se­ver­al years as a young man. He lat­er sang or played with the Gos­pel­aires, the Soon­er State Quar­tet, the Black­wood Bro­thers Quar­tet, and his own Ju­bilee Quar­tet.

The Ju­bi­lee Quar­tet was based in Be­tha­ny, Ok­la­ho­ma, where Glea­son ran a mu­sic store. Glea­son was a mem­ber of the Gos­pel Music Hall of Fame.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Glea­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),