


Born: Ju­ly 19, 1593, Kös­lin, Pom­mern, Prus­sia (now Kos­zal­in, Po­land).

Died: Au­gust 11, 1654, Stet­tin (now Szcze­cin, Po­land).


Jacob was the son of shoe­ma­ker Jo­ach­im Schmidt.

He went to school in Kös­lin, and from 1601 in Stet­tin. He was then a tu­tor in Lü­beck be­fore en­roll­ing at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ros­tock in 1614.

In 1616 he was em­ployed at the town school in Kös­lin, be­came a dea­con there in 1619, in 1620 dean of Rü­gen­walde (now Dar­ło­wo, Po­land), and du­cal chap­lain the same year.

By 1621 was he was Court Chap­lain in Szcze­cin. In 1625, he en­rolled at Greifs­wald Uni­ver­si­ty as a theo­lo­gy stu­dent. He be­came a li­cen­ti­ate in theo­lo­gy the same year, and doc­tor of theo­lo­gy the fol­low­ing year.

Around 1631, he be­came chap­lain to King Gus­tav­us Ad­olph­us of Swe­den. He al­so served as chap­lain to King Gus­tav II Adolf. In 1634, he be­came du­cal su­per­in­ten­dent in East­ern Pom­er­an­ia, and vi­car of the Ma­rien­kirche in Stet­tin and pro­fes­sor at the high school there.



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