

Born: Ju­ly 25, 1826, Blox­wich, Staf­ford­shire, Eng­land.

Died: Ju­ly 16, 1921, Wood­bine, Io­wa.

Buried: Wood­bine Ce­me­te­ry, Wood­bine, Io­wa.



Derry was the hus­band of Eli­za­beth Her­bert.

He emi­grat­ed to Am­er­ica with his fa­mi­ly in 1854.

He joined the Re­or­gan­ized Church on March 3, 1861, and was or­dained an el­der the same day. He be­came a se­ven­ty (a priest­hood of­fice) Au­gust 3, 1861; an apos­tle Ap­ril 8, 1965, serv­ing in that of­fice five years; pre­si­dent of the High Priests’ Quo­rum (1874–1901); a High Coun­ci­lor (1890–1903); an ev­an­ge­li­cal min­is­ter, June 8, 1902, an of­fice he held un­til his death.

On De­cem­ber 6, 1862, he was sent to Eng­land as a mis­sion­ary and was abroad two years.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Der­ry,