Nikolaus von Hofe, Nikolaus Hovesch, Nicolaus à Curia


Hof, Germany
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Born: Cir­ca 1485, Hof, Up­per Fran­con­ia, Ba­var­ia.

Died: March 21, 1541, Stet­tin, Ger­ma­ny (now Szcze­cin, Po­land). Some sus­pect­ed he was poi­soned by his en­emies.


A gra­du­ate of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leip­zig (BA 1506), De­ci­us be­came a monk, and was in 1519 Probst of the clois­ter at Ste­ter­burg (near Wolf­en­büt­tel).

Inclining to Mar­tin Lu­ther’s po­si­tions, he left Ste­ter­burg in Ju­ly, 1522, and went to Bruns­wick (now usu­al­ly known as Braun­schweig), where he was ap­point­ed a mas­ter in the St. Ka­the­rine and Egi­dien School.

In 1523, the bur­gess­es of Stet­tin in­vit­ed him to work there as an ev­an­ge­li­cal preach­er, along with Paul­us von Rhode.

He be­came preach­er at the Church of St. Ni­cho­las; was probably in­stit­ut­ed by the town coun­cil in 1256, when von Rhode was in­stit­ut­ed at St. Ja­cob’s. At the vi­si­ta­tion in 1535 he was rec­og­nized as pas­tor of St. Ni­cho­las.




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