


Born: Jan­ua­ry 1840, Ken­tuc­ky.

Died: Jan­ua­ry 13, 1922, Tex­as.

Buried: East­view Me­mo­ri­al Park, Ver­non, Tex­as.


Copyright re­cords show Crutch­field, a Me­tho­dist min­is­ter, liv­ing in Ver­non, Tex­as, in 1910. The 1910 and 1920 census­es put him in and around Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois.



One Shall be Taken and the Other Left

Two women shall be grinding at the mill
Two men shall be at home on plain or hill:
Two men shall then be working in the field:
Two men shall be in search of wealth concealed,
But one shall be of hope at last bereft—
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two boys be sleeping in the self-same bed—
On the same breast each leaned his baby head:
Two sons shall be away from childhood’s home,
And both be dreaming of glad days to come,
But one has thought of Him whose side was cleft,
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two girls in social circles side by side:
Two girls in learning with each other vied:
Two sweethearts shall be laughing by the way:
Two travelers then shall meet at close of day,
Then by hand unseen, unerring, deft—
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two men shall sell and buy in marts of trade,
Where wealth is sought, and fortunes lost and made:
Two persons at the altar, side by side—
One of them a groom, the other a bride;
But when the veil that hides is rent and reft,
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two men shall have the right to give command:
Two men shall travel much, o’er sea and land:
Two women shall be wearing jewels bright:
Two women think and say that they are right;
But when the sun goes down to rise, nor eft—
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two men shall have in halls of fame a place:
Two men shall struggle through life’s lane and race;
Two teachers shall in halls of learning stand:
Two boys there in the same proud student band;
But one shall cry Delay, oh cruel theft
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two lawyers shall be poring o’er a brief:
Two doctors seeking means to give relief:
Two faithful, trusted officers of state:
Two bankers at their desks—early and late;
But sin holds one by millstone weight and heft—
One shall be taken and the other left.

Two soldiers hear their country’s call and go
Two men to tests of truth say yes, or no:
Two men shall hear God’s oft repeated call—
Two men have sun and rain which come to all;
But when at last is wove life’s web and weft,
One shall be taken and the other left.

James Allen Crutchfield
Miscellaneous Po­ems, 1906
