Born: May 25, 1819, London, England.
Died: November 17, 1879.
Cooper received his musical education from William Henry Holmes of the Royal Academy of Music, and from Ignaz Moscheles, then resident in England.
In 1837, he was appointed organist of St. Michael’s, Queenhithe, London. In 1844, he accepted the post of organist of St. Paul’s Church, Islington, where he served until 1866. In 1876, he became organist of Christ’s Hospital, London.
Cooper wrote numerous papers on hymnody and church music which appeared in Evening Hours, a periodical then edited by Edward Bickersteth.
He also edited the Chant Book Supplement to the Hymnal Companion, 1871, and a revised and enlarged edition of the 1877 Hymnal Companion.
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