

Born: March 27, 1845, Shep­ton Beau­champ (pro­nounced Beech­am), Som­er­set, Eng­land.

Died: June 19, 1929, Shep­ton Beau­champ, Som­er­set, Eng­land.

Buried: Saint Mi­chael’s Church, Shep­ton Beauc­hamp, Som­er­set, Eng­land.


Coles was edu­cat­ed at Eton and Bal­li­ol Col­lege, Ox­ford (BA 1868, MA 1872). He took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1869 and be­came cur­ate of Wan­tage, near Ox­ford. In 1872, he be­came rec­tor of Shep­ton Beau­champ.

In 1884, Coles be­came First Lib­ra­ri­an, then in 1897 Prin­ci­pal, of Pu­sey House at Ox­ford (the me­mo­ri­al to Pu­sey which now hous­es Ox­ford’s Theo­lo­gy Fa­cu­lty lib­ra­ry). He be­came War­den of the Com­mu­ni­ty of the Epi­pha­ny, Tru­ro, Corn­wall, in 1910, and re­tired to Shep­ton Beau­champ in 1920.



Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Coles (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),