

Born: No­vem­ber 26, 1841, Wor­ce­ster, Eng­land (re­gis­tra­tion: Q1 1842 Wor­ces­ter vol­ume 18, page 541). Some sourc­es show his birth year as 1842.

Died: Oc­to­ber 24, 1897, Barn­wood House Hos­pi­tal, Barn­wood, Glou­ces­ter, Eng­land.



Caldicott be­gan his mu­sic­al ca­reer as a cho­ris­ter in Wor­ces­ter Ca­thed­ral in 1851. He stu­died un­der the best mas­ters in Ger­ma­ny, and in 1864 set­tled at Wor­ces­ter as or­gan­ist of St. Ste­phen’s and the Cor­po­ra­tion.

He con­duct­ed va­ri­ous mu­sic­al so­cie­ties, and in 1878, earned his Ba­che­lor of Mu­sic de­gree at Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty.

He won a num­ber of priz­es for songs and glees, and in 1884 be­came a pro­fes­sor at the Roy­al Col­lege of Mu­sic in Lon­don, at the same tak­ing the or­gan at Al­bert Pal­ace, and ed­it­ing Mor­ley’s Part-Song Journal.

He com­posed sev­er­al can­ta­tas (of which The Wi­dow of Nain is best known), and a great num­ber of part-songs, glees and songs.

In 1865, Cal­di­cott mar­ried Ma­ria Tur­ner (Mayne) in Droit­wich (near Wor­ces­ter). The 1881 cen­sus shows him liv­ing at the Tyth­ing East Brit­tan­ia Square St. Os­walds Lodge, Whis­tones, Wor­ces­ter.



Help Needed

If you know Cal­di­cott’s place of bu­ri­al,