

Born: Au­gust 16, 1838.

Died: Au­gust 4, 1916, Mill­port, Cum­brae, Scot­land.

Buried: Ca­thed­ral of the Isles, Cum­brae, Scot­land.


Ball took Ho­ly Or­ders in 1865, and served as cur­ate of St. Sal­va­dor’s, Dun­dee Mission; in­cum­bent of St. Ma­ry’s, The Cove, by Ab­er­deen; do­mes­tic chap­lain to the Earl of Kin­oull; cur­ate of All Saints, Broug­ham Street, Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land; cur­ate of St. Co­lum­ba’s, Ed­in­burgh; priest of St. Mi­chael’s Chapel, Ed­in­burgh; ex­am­in­ing chap­lain to the Bi­shop of Arg­yll and the Isles; and pro­vost of the Ca­thed­ral Church and Col­lege of Cum­brae (1891).

St. John’s Col­lege, An­na­po­lis, Ma­ry­land, award­ed him an hon­or­ary LLD de­gree in 1895.

Ball is chief­ly known through his nu­mer­ous trans­la­tions from the La­tin, which he con­trib­ut­ed to the St. Al­bans Hym­nal, 1898; The Praise of Je­sus, 1872; The Re­qui­em Hymnal, 1898; The Clum­ber Hymnal, 1904; The Of­fice Hymn Book 1905, and oth­er col­lect­ions. These col­lect­ions al­so con­tain se­ve­ral of his orig­in­al hymns, the great­er part be­ing in The Praise of Je­sus and The Re­qui­em Hym­nal.





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