


Born: September 3, 1880, Bridge­town, Bar­ba­dos.

Died: March 24, 1955, Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia.


Cameron was the son of Ro­bert Hen­ry Al­leyne and Ame­lia An­na Al­leyne. He mar­ried twice, to Lu­cille An­nie Wash­ing­ton (June 29, 1905) and Bet­tye Lee Ro­berts (June 1946).

He at­tend­ed Na­pa­ri­ma Col­lege, Tri­ni­dad, be­tween 1899 and 1903 be­fore tra­velling to the Unit­ed States to at­tend the Tus­ke­gee In­sti­tute [now Tus­ke­gee Uni­ver­si­ty, Ala­ba­ma]…Al­leyne was award­ed a Ba­che­lor of Arts de­gree by the In­sti­tute and was or­dained as a dea­con in the Af­ri­can Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Zi­on Church (AMEZ) on October 5, 1904…

Alleyne was one of five bi­shops elect­ed at the AMEZ Ge­ne­ral Con­ven­tion in 1924, the larg­est sin­gle group elect­ed in the church’s his­tory. He was the AMEZ’s 44th bi­shop and the first ev­er elect­ed by a una­ni­mous vote…

Alleyne was con­se­crat­ed as a bi­shop on May 20, 1924, and ap­point­ed to the church’s twelfth epis­co­pal dis­trict. In this role he had re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for church­es in Li­ber­ia, Ni­ger­ia, Gha­na and else­where in Af­ri­ca. Al­leyne moved to the con­ti­nent to be­come AMEZ’s first ev­er re­si­dent bi­shop in Af­ri­ca.

He re­turned to Am­eri­ca in 1928, where he served ini­tial­ly with AMEZ’s se­venth epis­co­pal dis­trict. He trans­ferred to the sixth epis­co­pal dis­trict in 1936.

From Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 4.0 li­cense)




Help Needed

If you know Al­leyne’s place of bur­ial,