

Born: Feb­ru­ary 9, 1693, Jos­bach, Hess­en, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: June 3, 1773, Hal­le, Ger­ma­ny.


Johann was the son of Jo­hann Je­re­mi­as Al­len­dorf, a pas­tor in Jos­bach.

In 1711, he be­gan stu­dy­ing in Gieß­en, and in 1713 with Au­gust Francke in Halle.

In 1717, he ac­cept­ed a po­si­tion as ste­ward for Count Hen­kel in Oders­berg am Wes­ter­wald. From 1723, he was tu­tor to Im­pe­ri­al Count Erd­mann II von Prom­nitz in So­rau, Low­er Lu­sa­tia (now Ża­ry, Po­land).

When one of the Prom­nitz daugh­ters, who had been brought up as a Lu­ther­an, mar­ried the Re­formed Prince Au­gust Lud­wig von Anhalt-Kö­then in 1724, he ac­com­pa­nied her to Kö­then as her per­son­al pastor. In the two de­cades he was in Kö­then, he wrote se­ver­al books of hymns.

After the prin­cess died in 1750, Al­len­dorf went to Wer­ni­ge­rode as a pas­tor, and from there to neigh­bor­ing Nösch­en­rode in 1755. Start­ing at the end of 1759, he served as a pas­tor at St. Ul­rich in Halle, and al­so taught at the Lu­theran gram­mar school there.




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