


Born: No­vem­ber 20, 1836, South Wil­bra­ham (now Hamp­den), Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Died: December 21, 1912, Hampden, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Buried: Old Hamp­den Ce­me­te­ry, Hamp­den, Mas­sa­chu­setts.


Lucy was the daugh­ter of Da­ni­el Da­vis Chaf­fee and Sar­ah Flynt Mor­ris, and wife of Lu­ci­us Da­vid Al­den (mar­ried 1890).

She spent a year at the Mon­son Aca­de­my (now the Wil­bra­ham & Mon­son Aca­de­my), 20 years teach­ing school, and three years as a school board mem­ber in her na­tive town.

Her po­ems and prose ap­peared in news­pa­pers of Bos­ton and Spring­field, Mas­sa­chu­setts; Chi­ca­go, Il­linois; and Min­ne­ap­olis, Min­ne­so­ta; in se­ver­al Sun­day school song books, and in quar­ter­ly and month­ly journ­als.



The Carpenter’s Son

In Joseph’s shop at Nazareth
A youthful workman stands,
And plies the hammer, saw, and plane
With deft and willing hands.

He smells the breath of fragrant woods,
Whose clippings strew the floor.
Of cedar sweet from Lebanon,
Of fir and sycamore.

He splits the sturdy grain apart—
Perhaps a Bashan oak—
And shapes the bow, and shaves the pine,
To make the ox a yoke.

I seem to find Him thinking then,
Of His approaching quest
For weary souls, to bid them come
And take His yoke of rest.

And while He measures beam and board,
Or hews the heavy sill,
To frame the boat, or build the house,
I ween He thinketh still

About the wise man’s rock-held home
That stood unmoved for long,
Though rains had beaten, winds had blown.
And floods been high and strong.

Our daily toil is Hea­ven-blest;
To plow and pen and broom,
And every useful industry,
The Father giveth room.

From Lucy Morris Chaffee Alden
Songs of Hope, 1909

