The Cyber Hymnal™



Please do not down­load co­py­right­ed ma­ter­i­al un­less there is a no­tice giv­ing per­miss­ion. Click here for de­tails on what is co­py­right­ed, and what is not.

How to Download a File

The in­struct­ions be­low ap­ply to any file for which we pro­vide a link (un­der­lined in blue).

Site Index

To down­load the site in­dex, click here. This file in­cludes an in­dex of hymn ti­tles, and shows the name of the MI­DI file used as the pri­ma­ry tune for each hymn.

Archive Format

The ar­chive files linked be­low were cre­at­ed with a tool called 7-Zip, which com­press­es files to save space. Most of these files can be opened with oth­er tools as well, such as Win­Zip. How­ev­er, if you want to use 7-Zip it­self, you can down­load for free at Note: We do not own or con­trol 7-Zip. Please di­rect any quest­ions on it to its cre­at­ors at their Web site.

MIDI Files

If you want MI­DI files for a small number of spe­ci­fic hymns, most brows­ers let you do this by right clic­king the 🔊 sym­bol. To get com­pressed ar­chives with our MI­DI files, click the file names below. The files are di­vid­ed in­to small chunks to make them ea­si­er to down­load (you don’t lose as much if your con­nect­ion goes down in mid-trans­fer).

Note: Some files have an ad­di­tion­al or­gan ver­sion. When pre­sent, this is a file of the same name, with an suf­fix of -o.


If you want scores (sheet mu­sic) for a small num­ber of spe­ci­fic hymns, click the PDF icon (PDF) or NoteWorthy icon (NWC) icon on in­di­vi­dual pag­es. To down­load com­pressed ar­chives with our scores in NWC for­mat, click the file names be­low.



To get lyr­ics, co­py and paste from your brows­er.