Scripture Verse

The kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. Matthew 13:24–25


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns of In­ter­ces­sion for All Man­kind (Bris­tol, Eng­land: E. Far­ley, 1758), num­ber 5, alt.

Music: Ado­ro Te (Barn­by) Jo­seph Barn­by, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


If now Thou dost Thy work re­vive,
If still Thou dost Thy Church in­crease,
Persist to save our souls alive,
O Christ, stand by Thy wit­ness­es,
And ev­ery curs­èd thing re­move,
And ev­ery bar to per­fect love.

The vile abus­ers of Thy grace,
The men of lips and lives un­clean,
Above Thy ora­cles who praise
The dreams of Ni­cho­las ob­scene,
Restrain by Thy great arm alone,
And drive their id­ol from his throne.

Those who with­stand the Gos­pel word
Of real, in­ward right­eous­ness,
Betray Thee, while they call Thee Lord,
In words ex­alt, in deeds de­base;
Tell them, they shall no far­ther go
To serve the in­ter­ests of Thy foe.

Root up the tares by Sa­tan sown,
The whis­per­ing hy­po­crites ex­pel;
And cast the soft ac­cus­er down,
But spare the men in­flamed of hell,
Nor let them all their bur­den bear,
Or gnaw their tongues in sad des­pair.

The breth­ren—false, by stealth crept in,
Thy cause and peo­ple to dis­grace,
Deceiving and de­ceived by sin,
By Satan with his shin­ing face,
Detect them, Lord, and scat­ter wide
The spe­cious sons of gild­ed pride.

Let none with­in the pale be found
But sim­ple Is­ra­el­ites in­deed,
But men of up­right hearts and sound,
The hum­ble, poor, and ho­ly seed,
Who tru­ly are what they pro­fess,
Thy band of blood-bought wit­ness­es.